CS 572 (Fall 2024)
Network Security
Course Information
Instructor: Yang Xiao (contact: xiaoy[AT]uky.edu)
Meeting Times: M/W/F 11:00 AM – 11:50 AM Eastern Time (location: register course to know)
Office Hour: Hardymon Rm 233, W/F 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Eastern Time
Course Description
This course introduces students to the state of the art of network security problems and solutions. Topics include security issues in computer networks, the Public Key Infrastructure ecosystem, key exchange protocols, and security mechanisms and protocols at the application, transport, network and data link layers. It will also discuss up-to-date development in the field of network security.
Textbooks and Materials
Computer Security and the Internet: Tools and Jewels, second edition, by Paul C. van Oorschot, Springer, 2022. ISBN: 978-3-030-83410-4 (hardcopy), 978-3-030-83411-1 (eBook).
PDF of chapters is available online at the author’s personal website.
More recommended materials will be published in Canvas.
Course Schedule (Tentative)
Week |
Agenda ([R] Required Reading, [S] Suggested Reading) |
Notes |
1 |
08/26: Lec01: Course introduction.
08/28: Lec02: Basic concepts - trust, policy, risk, modeling. ([R] Ch 1.1-1.3)
08/30: Lec03: Security properties - the CIA Triad and more. ([R] Ch 1.7)
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09/02: Labor Day Holiday - no class
09/04: Lec04: Networking recap - LANs, IP. ([R] Ch 10.6) (Pre-recorded lecture; Yang is in travel)
09/06: Lec05: Networking recap - TCP, UDP
09/06: HW1 out |
3 |
09/09: Lec06: Networking recap - DNS, HTTP
09/11: Lec07: Networking - attacks ([R] Ch 11.3)
09/13: Lec08: Crypto building blocks - information security, ciphers ([R] Ch 2.1-2.3)
09/13: HW2 out |
4 |
09/16: Lec09: Crypto building blocks - symmetric-key encryption/decryption, AES, cipher modes ([R] Ch 2.2)
09/18: Lec10: Crypto building blocks - public-key encryption/decryption, RSA, digital signature ([R] Ch 2.3, 2.4)
09/20: Lec11: Crypto building blocks - Cryptographic hash function, message authentication code (MAC) ([R] Ch 2.5, 2.6, 2.7)
09/16: HW1 due |
5 |
09/23: Lec12: User authentication ([R] Ch 3.1-3.4)
09/25: Lec13: Authentication protocols ([R] Ch 4.1, 4.2)
09/27: Lec14: Key establishment - KDC, DHKE, and MitM attacks ([R] Ch 4.3-4.5, 4.7)
09/25: HW2 due |
6 |
09/30: Lec15: Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI) ([R] Ch 8.1, 8.2)
10/02: Lec16: Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Web PKI([R] Ch 8.5)
10/04: Lec17: PKI problems
09/30: HW3 out |
7 |
10/07: Lec18: Project ideas and walk-through
10/09: Attending UK_CYBERCON, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Please RSVP in advance; it is free)
10/11: Guest talk - Stephen Burr, Enterprise CISO, University of Kentucky and UK HealthCare
10/11: HW3 due, HW4 out |
8 |
10/14: Lec19: Web security ([R] Ch 9.1, 9.3-9.4)
10/16: Lec20: Web attacks; SQL injection ([R] Ch 9.5-9.7)
10/18: Lec21: Web3 and blockchain
10/18: Project proposal due |
9 |
10/21: Midterm Review
10/23: Midterm Exam, in class
10/25: Lec22: WLAN Background ([R] Ch 12-12.3)
10/20: HW4 due |
10 |
10/28: Fall Break - no class
10/30: Lec23: WLAN security ([R] Ch 12.4-12.6)
11/01: Lec24: Network Trust Boundaries and NAT ([R] RFC 3022)
10/30: HW5 out |
11 |
11/04: Lec25: Firewalls ([R] Ch 10-10.2)
11/06: Lec26: Tunnels, IPsec, VPN ([R] Ch 10.3-10.5, RFC 3715)
11/08: Lec27: SSH, Tor
12 |
11/11: Lec28: Intrusion detection systems ([R] Ch 11-11.3)
11/13: Lec29: Intrusion detection systems examples
11/15: Lec30: BGP & Inter-domain routing
| 11/10: HW5 due |
13 |
11/18: Lec31: BGP Security
11/20: Lec32: Bitcoin ([R] Ch 13.1-13.7)
11/22: Lec33: Ethereum ([R] Ch 13.8. Pre-recorded; Yang is in travel)
11/17: HW6 out |
14 |
11/25: Lec34: Recent security topics, buffer/catch-up
11/27: Thanksgiving Holiday - no class
11/29: Thanksgiving Holiday - no class
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12/02: Project presentations (each: 10 min presentation + 2 min Q&A)
- Group 7: Massive consumer data breaches - Target and Facebook-Cambridge Analytica
- Group 4: Vehicular Network Security - CAN Injection and Tesla Model S Hack
- Group 3: SCION Internet Architecture
- Group 1: Ransomware Attacks - Colonial Pipeline Attack and Kaseya VSA Attack
12/04: Project presentations (each: 10 min presentation + 2 min Q&A)
- Group 6: CrowdStrike and AT&T Outages
- Group 11: Cryptocurrency hacks
- Group 2: Software Supply Chain Attacks - Stuxnet and SolarWinds
- Group 8: Healthcare Data Breaches
12/06: Project presentations (each: 10 min presentation + 2 min Q&A)
- Group 9: Robotext scams in Next-Gen wireless Communications
- Group 10: BGP hijacking
- Group 5: WiFi Protected Access 3 (WPA3)
12/02: HW6 due |
16 |
12/09: (Prep Days) Homework Problems Review
12/11: (Prep Days) Final Exam Review
12/13: No class
12/10: Project Report due |
17 |
12/18 (Wed): Final exam, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM, in classroom
Learning/Research Resources
UK Libraries,
Free Tutoring and Coaching at UK,
Google Scholar,
ACM Digital Library,
IEEE Xplore,
dblp: computer science bibliography