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Prospective Students

For Ph.D. Applicants: [Update Feb 2025] Fall 2025 opening is filled. Future openings will be posted here once available.

We look for self-motivated Ph.D. applicants to work on security topics in decentralized systems, next-G mobile and wireless networks, and consensus theories. Solid foundation in two of the following domains is strongly encouraged: (i) computer networks, (ii) wireless communication/networking, (iii) cryptography (basic level), and (iv) optimzation/reinforcement learning. If you are interested, feel free to send an email to xiaoy[AT]uky[DOT]edu with your CV, transcripts, and a few sentences describing your research interests and expectation.

For UK CS Master Students: If you are interested in pursuing an independent study or a master's thesis/project on relevant topics, please contact Dr. Yang Xiao to discuss. Taking one of CS471G/564/572 ahead is recommended.

For UK CS Undergrad Students: If you are interested in pursuing an independent study or summer research project on relevant topics, please contact Dr. Yang Xiao to discuss. Taking one of CS378/564/572 ahead is recommended.