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Yang Xiao

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science, University of Kentucky
Email: xiaoy[AT]
Office: 233 James F. Hardymon Building
Phone: (859) 257-3101
Google Scholar dblp

About Me

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Kentucky. My research area is Network and Information Security. I am particularly interested in security and privacy issues in computer networks, distributed/decentralized systems, cyber-physical systems, and more recently next-G mobile communication networks. I enjoy analyzing the fundamental security and privacy challenges in these systems and developing novel solutions under the assumption of zero or limited trust. I received my Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from Virginia Tech in 2022, supervised by Dr. Wenjing Lou. Before that, I received my bachelor's degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) and master's degree from University of Michigan.


◾  05/2024: Dr. Xiao was invited to serve on the technical program committee of INFOCOM 2025 and MILCOM 2024.
◾  04/2024: Dr. Xiao gave a remote guest lecture on distributed consensus protocols to the Blockchain and Applications class at CUHK Information Engineering.
◾  02/2024: Dr. Xiao was invited to serve on the program committee of ACSAC 2024.
◾  12/2023: Our paper "TriSAS: Toward Dependable Inter-SAS Coordination with Auditability" was accepted by ASIACCS 2024.
◾  12/2023: Dr. Xiao was interviewed by University of Kentucky News (UKNow) and Lex 18 (NBC) on our anti-mobile tracking project.
◾  10/2023: Dr. Xiao was interviewed by Fox 56 News on mobile secuity issues about online sports betting.
◾  09/2023: Our paper "AAKA: An Anti-Tracking Cellular Authentication Scheme Leveraging Anonymous Credentials" was accepted by NDSS 2024.
◾  08/2023: Our paper "Bijack: Breaking Bitcoin Network with TCP Vulnerabilities" was accepted to ESORICS 2023.
◾  07/2023: Our paper "CANShield: Deep Learning-Based Intrusion Detection Framework for Controller Area Networks at the Signal-Level" was accepted to IEEE IoT Journal.
◾  05/2023: Dr. Xiao started serving as a TPC Member for IEEE INFOCOM 2024 and MILCOM 2023.
◾  04/2023: Our collaborative Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) project was awarded by the National Science Foundation. (NSF page)
◾  03/2023: Our paper "MS-PTP: Protecting Network Timing from Byzantine Attacks" was accepted by ACM WiSec 2023.
◾  02/2023: Our paper "ARI: Attestation of Real-time Mission Execution Integrity" was accepted by USENIX Security 2023.

◾  12/2022: Our paper "A Decentralized Truth Discovery Approach to the Blockchain Oracle Problem" was accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2023.
◾  11/2022: Dr. Xiao gave a remote talk titled "Blockchain and Trusted Execution Environment: Security Properties, Synergies, and a Privacy Application" to the Delta 2022 Cybersecurity Conference at UTN Facultad Regional Delta, Argentina.
◾  10/2022: Our paper "SofitMix: A Secure Offchain-Supported Bitcoin-Compatible Mixing Protocol" was accepted by IEEE TDSC.
◾  09/2022: Our paper "Squeezing More Utility via Adaptive Clipping on Deferentially Private Gradients in Federated Meta-Learning" was accepted by ACSAC 2022.
◾  08/2022: Dr. Xiao started the Assistant Professor position at Dept. of CS, University of Kentucky.
◾  06/2022: Xiao started serving the Web Co-chair of INFOCOM 2023.
◾  05/2022: Xiao successfully defended my Ph.D. dissertation "Blockchain and Distributed Consensus: From Security Analysis to Novel Applications".
◾  04/2022: Our paper "CANShield: Signal-based Intrusion Detection for Controller Area Networks" was accepted by escar USA conference 2022.
◾  02/2022: Our paper "FLARE: Defending Federated Learning against Model Poisoning Attacks via Latent Space Representations" was accepted by ASIACCS 2022.
◾  02/2022: Our paper "MANDA: On Adversarial Example Detection for Network Intrusion Detection System" was accepted by IEEE TDSC.
◾  12/2021: Our paper "Decentralized Spectrum Access System: Vision, Challenges, and a Blockchain Solution" was accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications.